Elderly Cat Eating Habits

Has Your Elderly Cat Stopped Eating? ..and Other Older Cat Food Questions

Hey there, fellow cat lovers! If you’re reading this, chances are you’re worried sick about your elderly feline friend who seems to have lost interest in their food bowl. We’re here to help unravel the mysteries behind your senior cat’s sudden appetite changes.

So, why is my elderly cat asking for food but not eating?

Well, imagine being in your cat’s shoes (or paws, rather). As cats age, they might experience dental issues, digestive problems, or even a decline in their sense of smell, all of which can make eating less appealing. Sometimes, it’s not that they don’t want to eat – it’s just that the act of eating becomes more challenging for them.

Dental Issues

Picture this: imagine you’re chomping down on your favorite snack, but every bite feels like a jab to the jaw. Ouch, right? Well, that’s what it’s like for some older cats dealing with dental issues. Whether it’s sore gums, rotten teeth, or missing molars, these problems can turn eating from a joyous occasion into a painful ordeal. So, if your fluffy friend seems to be giving their food bowl the cold shoulder, it might not be because they’re picky – they could be dealing with some serious tooth trouble.

Digestive Problems

Then there’s the gut stuff. Yep, just like us after a dodgy taco, senior cats can suffer from tummy troubles too. Think constipation, diarrhea, or those dreaded bouts of inflammatory bowel disease. Imagine trying to wolf down your dinner while your stomach feels like it’s doing backflips – not exactly appetizing, huh? So, if your kitty’s appetite seems to be on the fritz, it could be because their belly is staging a protest.

Sense of Smell Declines

And let’s not forget about the nose – or lack thereof. As cats age, their sense of smell can start to fade, kind of like your favorite shirt after too many trips through the wash. Now, imagine trying to dig into a delicious meal when you can barely smell a thing. It’s like trying to enjoy a concert with earplugs in – not much fun, right? So, if your cat’s turning up their nose at their usual grub, it might not be because they’re being a diva – their sense of smell might just be on the fritz.

So, next time you catch your senior kitty snubbing their dinner, remember – it might not be because they’re being fussy. They could be dealing with some serious hurdles that make mealtime a bit of a challenge. Give ’em some extra love and maybe even a trip to the vet to make sure everything’s OK. After all, our aging furballs deserve nothing but the best – even if that means switching up their menu to something a bit easier on the teeth, tummy, or nose.

Why is my elderly cat losing weight but still eating?

This scenario can be particularly perplexing, but it’s not unheard of. Weight loss despite a hearty appetite could indicate malabsorption issues, where your cat isn’t properly absorbing nutrients from their food. Again, underlying medical conditions like hyperthyroidism or kidney disease could be at play here, so it’s crucial to get your cat checked out by a vet promptly.

Malabsorption Issues

One possibility is that your kitty’s digestive system might be on the fritz, struggling to soak up all the good stuff from their food. It’s like trying to catch raindrops in a leaky bucket – no matter how much they eat, their body just can’t seem to hold onto those essential nutrients. So, even though they’re chowing down like there’s no tomorrow, their weight keeps dropping like it’s hot.

Medical Conditions

Sometimes, those sneaky medical conditions like to throw a spanner in the works. Take hyperthyroidism, for example – it’s like your cat’s thyroid gland decided to go into overdrive, revving up their metabolism and burning through calories faster than a cheetah on caffeine. And then there’s kidney disease, which can mess with your cat’s appetite and their body’s ability to process nutrients, leading to weight loss despite a seemingly healthy appetite.

So, if your cat’s pants are starting to sag despite their best efforts to fill their belly, it might be time to hit up the vet for a check-up. They’ll be able to run some tests, rule out any serious medical issues, and maybe even offer up some solutions to help your kitty pack on those pounds in a healthy way.

Why is my elderly cat so skinny?

Weight loss in older cats can be a red flag for various underlying health issues, such as hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, or diabetes. These conditions can affect your cat’s metabolism, leading to weight loss despite a seemingly normal appetite. It’s essential to consult with your vet to rule out any serious medical conditions and determine the best course of action.

Alright, let’s talk about our senior kitties and their disappearing act on the scale. You know, it’s not uncommon for our furballs to start shedding some pounds as they get older, but when it’s happening faster than a cat chasing a laser pointer, it’s time to sit up and take notice.


So, what’s the deal? Well, it turns out that weight loss in older cats can be a big ol’ flashing neon sign pointing to some serious health issues lurking beneath the surface. We’re talking about stuff like hyperthyroidism, where your cat’s thyroid gland decides to go rogue and start pumping out more hormones than a teenager during exam week. This can send their metabolism into overdrive, burning through calories faster than you can say “kibble.”

Kidney disease

Then there’s kidney disease, which can sneak up on your kitty like a ninja in the night. When their kidneys aren’t functioning as they should, it messes with their body’s ability to regulate fluids and filter out waste products, leaving them feeling less than their usual sprightly selves.


And let’s not forget about diabetes – yep, cats can get it too. When their body can’t produce enough insulin to keep their blood sugar levels in check, it can lead to weight loss despite a ravenous appetite.

It’s like your cat’s body is playing a cruel joke on them – they’re hungry all the time, but no matter how much they eat, the pounds just keep melting away. So, if you notice your kitty starting to look a bit more svelte than usual, don’t just chalk it up to old age. Get ’em checked out by the vet pronto. They’ll be able to run some tests, get to the bottom of what’s going on, and hopefully set your mind at ease – and maybe even help your cat pack on a few extra pounds in the process.

Why is my old cat throwing up?

Now, we all know that the occasional upchuck session is just par for the course when you’ve got a furry friend with a penchant for grooming themselves like they’re prepping for a catwalk (pun totally intended). But when your cat starts treating your living room carpet like their personal puke palace, it’s time to start asking some questions.


First off, let’s cover the basics. Hairballs – you know, those delightful little gifts your cat leaves scattered around the house like they’re some kind of twisted Easter bunny. Yep, they’re a common cause of vomiting in cats of all ages, but especially in our more mature feline friends who might not be as spry when it comes to grooming.

Dietary indiscretions

Then there’s the issue of dietary indiscretions – AKA, when your cat decides to indulge in a little late-night raid on the trash can or scarf down that questionable bug they found under the couch. Hey, nobody said cats had refined palates, right? But all those culinary adventures can sometimes come back to haunt them in the form of a stomachache and a one-way ticket to Vomitsville.


But here’s where things get a bit more serious. If your cat’s turning into a regular vomit comet, it might be a sign that something more sinister is going on under the hood. We’re talking about stuff like pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas that can cause some seriously unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Or how about inflammatory bowel disease – a fancy way of saying that your cat’s gut is throwing a temper tantrum and taking it out on your carpet.

So, if your senior kitty’s hurling up more than just the occasional hairball, it’s time to take notice. Get ’em checked out by the vet, pronto. They’ll be able to run some tests, get to the bottom of what’s causing all that upheaval in your cat’s tummy, and hopefully set things right.

What is the best cat food for older cats that vomit?

Opting for easily digestible, high-quality cat food formulated for sensitive stomachs can help alleviate gastrointestinal issues in senior cats. Look for products with limited ingredients and avoid artificial additives that could exacerbate digestive problems.

There’s a whole buffet of options out there designed specifically for cats with sensitive stomachs.

First off, you’ll want to look for cat food that’s easy on the old digestive system. Think gentle on the tummy, with ingredients that won’t send your kitty’s gut into a tailspin.

What is the best dry cat food for older cats that vomit?

Brands like Hill’s Science Diet Sensitive Stomach & Skin (link opens Amazon in a new window) and Royal Canin Digestive Care (link opens Amazon in a new window) are top contenders in this department, with formulas tailored to soothe those delicate kitty bellies.

Next up, keep an eye out for products with limited ingredients – the fewer, the better. This means less chance of your cat having a bad reaction to some mystery ingredient hiding in their kibble. Brands like Blue Buffalo Basics Skin and Stomach Care (link opens Amazon in a new window) and Natural Balance L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets (link opens Amazon in a new window) are great options that cut out the unnecessary stuff and focus on what really matters – keeping your cat’s stomach happy.

And last but not least, steer clear of those pesky artificial additives that can wreak havoc on your cat’s digestive system. Look for products with natural preservatives and flavors, so you can rest easy knowing you’re not feeding your furry friend a bunch of chemical gobbledygook. Brands like Wellness Complete Health (link opens Amazon in a new window) prioritizes natural ingredients, so you can feel good about what’s going into your kitty’s bowl.

What is the best wet cat food for older cats that vomit?

One top contender in the world of wet cat food for sensitive seniors is Purina Pro Plan Focus Adult 11+ (link opens Amazon in a new window). Not only is it packed with real meats for a taste your cat will love, but it’s also formulated with easy-to-digest ingredients that won’t upset their stomach.

Another paw-some option is Hill’s Science Diet Adult 7+ (link opens Amazon in a new window). This wet cat food is specially crafted for older kitties, with a blend of high-quality ingredients that are gentle on the digestive system and easy for your cat to digest.

And let’s not forget about Royal Canin Digest Sensitive Thin Slices in Gravy (link opens Amazon in a new window). This wet cat food is perfect for cats with finicky stomachs, with a savory gravy that’ll have your kitty licking their bowl clean and coming back for more.

Brands like Merrick Limited Ingredient Diet (link opens Amazon in a new window) prioritizes natural ingredients, so you can feel good about what your cat is eating.

Of course, every cat is different, so what works for one might not work for another. That’s where your vet comes in – they can offer up personalized recommendations based on your cat’s specific needs and dietary requirements. So, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for some expert advice. After all, a happy, healthy kitty is worth their weight in gold – or at least in hairballs.

Your vet can recommend specific brands or prescription diets tailored to your cat’s needs.

In conclusion

In conclusion, changes in your elderly cat’s eating habits can be alarming, but they’re not always cause for panic. By staying observant, addressing potential health issues promptly, and providing proper veterinary care and nutrition, you can help your senior feline friend enjoy their golden years to the fullest. Remember, a little extra TLC goes a long way in keeping your furry companion happy and healthy!

*Disclaimer: Hey pals! Quick heads up – we’re here to dish out some friendly advice, but we’re not wearing white coats. This site is all about guidance, not medical magic. Veteranarians are the true MVPs. So, before making any changes, give your vet a shout. They’ll tailor advice to your pet’s unique needs. – Thanks for reading!